Find Michigan DUI Lawyer | Barone Defense Firm
About The Barone Defense Firm Team
The Barone Defense Firm really is unique and different from all other lawyers and law firms handling Michigan drunk driving cases. There are many reasons for this, but they may be summarized in three ways:
Foot Soldiers of the Constitution!
The Barone Defense Firm specializes in the defense of drinking drivers, and does so to the exclusion of all other types of cases and clients. Having such a razor sharp focus is a luxury that few lawyers and even fewer law firms can afford. This focus also gives us the ability to stay far ahead of other practitioners who only dabble in drunk driving defense as a sometimes small part of a larger less focused legal practice. Because we devote all of our time and resources to defending drunk driving cases nothing gets in our way of obtaining the best possible results for each and every one of our clients!
But having such focus without the knowledge to back it up is meaningless so the lawyers at the Barone Defense Firm devote a great deal of time and effort to obtaining the detailed knowledge necessary to obtain excellent results for our clients. Not only does Mr. Barone write books such as Defending Drinking Drivers and articles to teach other lawyers, he also an adjunct Professor and the executive editor of DWI Journal, Law & Science, an internationally circulated legal periodical that for more than two decades has been dedicated to improving the skill, knowledge and success rate of defense attorneys in drunk driving cases. Additionally, Mr. Barone and Mr. Boyle spend dozens of hours each year traveling to DUI and trial practice seminars around the country. These seminars are presented and attended by the Nation’s top DUI defense lawyers, and this continuous education keeps Mr. Barone, Mr. Boyle and the entire Barone Defense Firm Team on the cutting edge. Such cutting edge knowledge is crucial to effective representation in this most complex area of law.
Finding a solution to your DUI problem by putting our focus and knowledge to work for you is what the Barone Defense Firm is all about. Once we have completed our thorough investigation and evaluation of your case we will discuss with you the approach that we believe will provide you with the best possible results. This might include filing motions to cripple the prosecutor’s case by challenging the chemical evidence or observation evidence. It might also include simply setting your case for trial. On the other hand, we may discuss with you how to obtain the best possible plea and/or sentence bargain. Our goal is to make sure that our rare combination of focus, knowledge and execution leads to positive results for you in court.